


n8n wordpress to twitter to mastodon


if then then then
That's probably what it means. I used it around 2015.
At that time, it could sync wp to Twitter, Weibo, and Facebook.
I remember it was very simple to log in and connect the account.
It was free before. Now you need a pro membership, which costs $2.9 per month; for US dollars, $2.9 is just like a tax or a tip.
In China, you can get a year's special virtual space hosting for 99.


n8n has self-built services.
I registered on the free space serv00 before.
I also deployed it.
n8n serv00 deployment issue – ACEVS
I have watched the tutorial several times. Still, I didn't understand it.
Finding the right node from the original requirements | Simple and understandable modern magic
Post a post on wp to sync with Twitter and Mastodon.
I searched, asked AI, and got a rough idea. WordPress login, get all posts, then filter to keep the latest post, and then output json title and url. The idea became clear. I found I didn't understand how to operate it.
There is no direct template; I can only look at other templates.
There is a template for WordPress to Medium, which uses an HTTP request to capture HTML information. Then filter and output the desired information. What I want is the title and url, and then publish the information on Twitter and Mastodon.
For Twitter authorization, I still need to apply for developer mode. Fortunately, it's not difficult.
I couldn't find Mastodon on n8n, so I searched for tutorials on YouTube. They are detailed and careful; just follow along. After setting it up, I had to wait a few minutes. There seems to be a delay; I thought it failed, but later found out it succeeded.
I set up a scheduled trigger to execute once every day at 6:00 PM.
I tested the workflow countless times, and yesterday I saw it run automatically and succeed.

n8n Mastodon authorization
Connect n8n with Mastodon Tutorial - YouTube

WordPress app authorization is not a direct login with wp account and password
WordPress credentials | n8n Docs

Twitter developer application
Use Cases, Tutorials, & Documentation | Twitter Developer Platform

Twitter configuration reference
How To Automate Twitter with N8N & ChatGPT (No-Code Hack!) - YouTube

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